Featured Caregivers 2024

April Featured Caregiver

Edward caregiver of the month

Meet our featured caregiver for the month of February, Christi!

Christi has been with the CareHeartedly family for almost two years and has been such an asset to our team ever since! She’s originally from Transylvania County but currently resides in Brevard. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her two sons!

When asked what her favorite part of being a caregiver is, Christi said “…Meeting new people and being able to help someone in need.” Her advice to other caregivers is “…I love this line of work because you get one on one time with clients. I try my hardest to be the best caregiver I can be and treat them with dignity and respect. I was always taught to treat people how you want to be treated.” When asked what caregiving means to her, she said “…It makes me happy to be able to help when needed while at the same time trying to allow clients their independence.” Some of her favorite memories with clients involve watching cooking shows and playing bingo.

Christi’s favorite food is steak, her favorite music is Christian, her favorite movie is Father of the Bride 2, and a random fun fact about her is that she loves to sing! Christi is a ray of sunshine to all of her clients and is a joy to have as an employee. Keep up the great work Christi!

March Featured Caregiver

Edward caregiver of the month

Meet our featured caregiver for the month of March… Joanne!

Joanne has been with the Sunny Days Carolinas Family for fourteen months. She’s originally from Florida but currently resides in Hendersonville, NC. Outside of work she enjoys spending time with her cat, Fletcher, as well as hiking, doing yoga, reading, and traveling.

When asked about her favorite part of being a caregiver, Joanne said “…helping people.” Her advice to new caregivers is to “…look at your job like everyday is an experience.” When asked what caregiving means to her, Joanne said “…making someone’s life easier.” Her favorite memory with a client was going to an Estate Sale together.

Joanne’s favorite food is Crab, her favorite type of music is Meditation, and her favorite movie is Bridesmaids. A random fun fact about her is that she considers herself a world traveler.

We’re so thankful for the dedicated and loving caregivers that make up our team like Joanne. They are such a blessing in the lives of their clients. Keep up the great work Joanne!

February Featured Caregiver

Edward caregiver of the month

Meet our Featured Caregiver for the month of February…Jennifer!

Jennifer has been with the Sunny Days Carolinas Family for one year. She’s originally from Hendersonville and still currently resides in the area with her family. She’s been married for twenty years and has two children, Nova and Gauge. They have two cats, and they consider themselves a racing family! Outside of work she loves to spend her time at car shows and races.

 When asked about her favorite part about being a caregiver, Jennifer said “…the smiles of my patients. If I have made them feel happy and can smile, then I have done my job!” Her advice for new caregivers is to “…treat them like they are your family.” When asked what caregiving means to her, she said “…to love others and give them anything they need to feel comfortable.” Her favorite memory with a client was any time she got to take someone out for a new adventure.

Jennifer’s favorite type of food is steak, her favorite type of music is anything Country, and her favorite movie is anything with Jim Carey. A random fun fact about Jennifer is that she loves old hot rods.

We’re so thankful for the presence Jennifer brings to our caregiver team. She takes excellent care of her patients and we’re so glad to have her!

Past year’s featured caregivers: 2023